One of the great features of SuperSwim tether systems is that our SuperSwim Nylon Cord can be adjusted to either extend or reduce the swimming distance. The easiest way to adjust the length of the cord is to tie it into an adjustable sliding knot.
But if you didn’t get your Knot Tying Merit Badge, don’t worry. We’re here to help!
This knot is probably the most popular knot for anyone looking to tighten or loosen a line. It’s tied in such a way that the knot will slide easily to adjust, but hold fast under a load. Plus, it’s easy!
- Hook the cord around the Flexible Fiber Rod several feet from the end of the cord.
- Coil the free end twice around the standing cord, moving closer to the rod as you go.
- Bring the free end up above the two coils (away from the rod) and coil it once more.
- Pull the free end to tighten the knot and slide it to adjust.
This knot is a bit more difficult, but it’s also more secure than the Tautline Hitch. It’s a good knot to know if you’re not going to be regularly adjusting the length of your SuperSwim Nylon cord.
- Wrap the working end of the cord around the Flexible Fiber Rod.
- Create the first Half Hitch by passing the working end around the standing line.
- Pass the cord around again, moving away from the rod.
- Pull tight to form an Awning Hitch.
- Make a Half Hitch in the same direction, outside the loop around the standing line.
- Pull the knot tight to finish. It can now be slid along the standing line when there is no load.
This is a great friction knot that is both easy to tie and easy to adjust. It’s not the strongest knot, but it is dependable!
- Pass the working end around the Flexible Fiber Rod.
- Wrap the end twice around the standing line.
- Bring the end around both ropes, tucking it under itself.
- Tighten the knot and you’re done!
If you have any questions about adjusting your SuperSwim Nylon Cord, please feel free to contact us!